Another information section (Part III) of the
1981 AECC Form 1023 --- Activities and Operational Information --- submitted to the Internal Revenue Service requires "...a narrative description of the activities presently carried on by the organization,
and those that will be carried on", and also that the "...narrative should specifically identify the services performed or
to be performed by the organization. Consider the follwing excerpt from the AECC 1023:
The Corporation's prime reason for existing is to operate a non-commercial, educational broadcast facility in Southern Appalchia to foster the mountain culture as well as further educate those native to the area. Funds will be solicited to build, staff, and operate a radio facility in the mountain regions of Northeastern Tennessee.
From the start of fund-raising until the station could be approved by the Federal Communications Commission will be from 12-to-18 months. An additional six months will be required to build the station after FCC approval is granted. Anticipated programming to be aired by the station will include, but not limited to:
1) local culture
2) the arts
3) local music
4) news
5) weather
6) community interest items
7) instruction
8) general education
9) consumer education
10) women's issues
However, the
Charter of Appalchian Educational Comunication Corporation (Section 2) of Tennessee more narrowly defines the "Operation of Educational Broadcast Facilities" as:
Said Corporation is organized for the further education of the Southern Appalchian populations by means of ownership and operational of educational, non-commercial broadcasting facilities. Such facilities will operate within the Laws of the United States of America and the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.
I suppose it is the
not limited to phrase that gives the 501(c)(3)tax exempt AECC a little wiggle room in participating in other activites such as
the November 2, 2004 screening of the partisan, anti-John Kerry film "Stolen Honor" at the AECC-owned Cameo Theater located in Bristol, Virginia.The AECC Form 1023 Part III.-Activities and Operations question number 1 asked "
What are or will be the organization's sources of financial support? List in oredr of magnitude... with the following response:
1) donations from the general public
2) Corporation for Public Broadcasting and other government grants
No solicitation for support have been prepared.
Part 111. subpart 4 (continued Page 2) also listed the names of the original AECC governing body as: President Kenneth C. Hill (Fort Wayne, IN), Vice-President Brenda J. Miller (Powell, Tennessee) , and Secretary/Treasurer Janet R. Hill (Fort Wayne, IN).