May 24, 2006 Johnson City Press Editorial Opens Fire Hose On Rep. Matthew Hill 's Unionization Bill
On Tuesday, lobbyists for the Tennessee Municipal League worked hard to defeat another bad piece of legislation to allow firefighters to elect a union to represent it in negotiations with local governments in matters concerning wages and benefits. A number of senators and representatives in Nashville already have asked that their cities and counties be exempt from this bill, and with good reason.
This misguided piece of legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Matthew Hill, R-Jonesborough, would carve out a special exception for firefighters under state law. Currently, municipal employees in Tennessee are prohibited from joining labor union. For the good of local taxpayers, we urge local lawmakers to regulate this unneeded bill to legislative purgatory.
Wow, "legislative purgatory"...pretty strong language against the legislator's quid pro quo firefighters unionization bill for the AFL-CIO, although the concept of purgatory may not register with the home-fooled "Fund-A-Methodist" Rep. Matthew Hill.
I was reading an online newspaper article yesterday pertaining to the unreimbursed cost of Metro Nashville residents to provide the additional police protection for a recent Tennessee Republican Party fundraiser that was attended by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney --- this news article cited an average hourly wage of Davidson Metro policemen as being approximately $26.00 per hour ($52,000 per year). I am not yet certain as what the average hourly wage of Davidson Metro firefighters may be, but I feel reasonably certain that both the wages of Davidson Metro firefighters and policemen are relatively close.
$52,000 (used here only as a reference point) is much higher than the average $30,000 annual wages currently paid to Tennessee firefighters...unionization of firefighters across Tennssee would likely move such wages upward across the Volunteer State with local property owners picking up the additional tax bill.
Perhaps some representatives within the newspaper industry in Tennessee could slowly explain to WPWT 870Am "Good Morning Tri-Cities" host Timothy Hill (brother and sub-employee of Rep. Matthew Hill) just how the editorial board process works for most large circulation newspapers as the little brother was ranting this morning against the Johnson City Press editorial as being the "unsigned" work of one lowly Press staffer...