Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rep. Matthew "Camera Hog" Hill Tilts Hapless Woman Aside For His Face Time At EPA Photo Op

Rep. Matthew Hill

Here is an image file cropped from a large photo posted at the U.S. EPA web site showing U.S. Rep. David Davis and Tennessee State Rep. Matthew Hill at an EPA photo op earlier this year in Johnson City wherein Hill was revealed with his hand on the shoulder of an unidentified woman, tilting her out of his way (and to the left, no less!) during the photo shoot --- I suppose that Matthew has finally made his transition from politican to "statesman", har, har, har!

I ran a verticle green line (approximating the expected axis of the woman), a yellow line indicating Hill's rude tilt of the hapless woman to the left, and a magenta line showing the apparent direction of the woman's feet and shoulders.

Let this photograph serve as a warning to all women across Northeast Tennessee --- never step in the direct line of sight between Tennessee State Representative Matthew Hill and a camera!!!

I am now also wondering just how many hundreds (or thousands) of federal tax dollars where wasted by the EPA to provide U.S. Rep. David Davis with the giant full-color PR vanity check (a recent show from the NBC network program The Office cited a cost of $200 for a much lesser quality black & white giant PR check) --- cause you just know that Davis' campaign treasury was not going to be footing the bill for this rather expensive looking 2008 David Davis re-election campaign prop!


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