WPWT 870AM & Marx E. Simpleton: Conservative Cretin Half-Truths
The sound of it brings a smile to my face: WPWT 870 AM morning talk host Marx E. Simpleton self-promotion tagline "conservative Christian truth"...perhaps, but let's see what Mr. Webster (and the ancient Romans) might have to say about all of this:
Why does Simpleton find the need to repeat the phrase "conservative Christian truth" ad nauseam? Probably for the same season that the Soviet Russian newspaper under Lenin utilized "Pravda" ("Truth") for the newspaper masthead: a crutch to help distort the truth.
Main Entry: cre·tin
Pronunciation: 'krE-t&n
Function: noun
Etymology: French crétin, from French dialect cretin, literally, wretch, innocent victim, from Latin christianus Christian
1 often offensive : one afflicted with cretinism
2 : a stupid, vulgar, or insensitive person : CLOD, LOUT
Why does Simpleton find the need to repeat the phrase "conservative Christian truth" ad nauseam? Probably for the same season that the Soviet Russian newspaper under Lenin utilized "Pravda" ("Truth") for the newspaper masthead: a crutch to help distort the truth.
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